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Breakfast Hill Golf Club
Breakfast Hill Golf Club

Breakfast Hill Golf Club

Breakfast Hill Golf Club

339 Breakfast Hill Rd
Greenland, NH 03840
Phone: 603-436-5001

Golf Course Review: Breakfast Hill Golf Club

Good value course

Breakfast Hill has a wide array of rates, but by any measure it's a great value as one of the top courses in New Hampshire. I love the variety with at least three uphill holes. We played in late August and they seemed to have a hornet problem in the bunkers. On most holes we couldn't even play a bunker shot without the risk of getting stung. Not sure if that is a consistent problem or just the day we were there. They also have dirt and gravel cart paths which can make for a dusty round if you take a cart. The greens were aerified the day I played so it was difficult to get an accurate assessment. But I was informed when I made a tee time that the greens would be aerified which was much appreciated. Some courses don't tell you that. All in all, a short, tight golf course.

Overall Experience



Based on my experience: I would play the course again.

Posted by Matt on 10/29/2013 - This review has been viewed 4,345 times.

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